Freedom HS Sports, Foods, Music, Hobbies

  1. 2. food
  2. 3. to watch TV
  3. 6. football
  4. 8. movies
  5. 12. sports (2 words)
  6. 13. golf
  7. 14. dance (noun)
  8. 15. board games
  9. 17. basketball (no Q in this one)
  10. 19. Mexican food
  11. 21. soccer
  12. 23. swimming
  13. 26. classical music
  14. 27. hobbies
  15. 28. volleyball
  16. 29. music
  1. 1. baseball
  2. 4. tennis
  3. 5. hockey
  4. 7. basketball (has a Q in it)
  5. 9. track & field
  6. 10. Italian food
  7. 11. videogames
  8. 16. country music
  9. 17. cycling
  10. 18. latin music
  11. 20. books
  12. 22. rap music
  13. 24. to dance (verb infinitive)
  14. 25. the movies (theater/cinema)
  15. 27. to read (verb infinitive)