French 3H Zoom Culture
- 1. When was the carte vitale created
- 3. Is american health care subsidized like it is in France?
- 4. The organization that works with heath organizations
- 6. Card that carries medical information
- 7. The rank that France's heath care system is according to the WHO
- 12. What group of people does health care have to be accesable to education What other government program is heath Care compared to
- 13. Where is the price of heath care deducted from
- 15. How does the medical card carry your information
- 2. When was France's highest Health Care ranking
- 5. What is the free american health care plan called?
- 8. What is that deduction called
- 9. How many euros do medical visits usually cost
- 10. What is special about the health care system in France
- 11. What does the medical card track
- 14. When the french health care system was created