
  1. 2. How you access the internet
  2. 3. write in it
  3. 5. learn about the body in this class
  4. 8. use to connect papers
  5. 9. throw things away in this
  6. 10. you read this
  7. 11. what I will be in next year
  8. 14. chemistry, biology and geology are all forms of this
  9. 17. a dos holds your books
  10. 18. what i am in right now
  11. 19. you type in different ____
  1. 1. lotta books
  2. 4. how you traveled before gps
  3. 6. measure with this
  4. 7. squeaky squeaky or clicky clicky
  5. 12. another name for cafeteria
  6. 13. madame is this
  7. 15. get rid of the E in course
  8. 16. it gets locked
  9. 17. not a pencil, a ___