French Vocabulary

  1. 1. French word for 'cat'
  2. 3. French word for 'wednesday'
  3. 5. French word for 'holiday'
  4. 7. Verb that means 'to do'
  5. 9. Fill in the blank, using the correct conjugation of the verb 'Être': Nous _________ anglaise
  6. 11. French word for 'mobile phone'
  7. 13. French word for 'right'
  8. 14. Verb that means 'to speak'
  9. 15. French word for 'England'
  10. 16. Verb that means 'to listen'
  11. 17. Fill in the blank, using the correct conjugation of the verb 'Visiter': Mes parents ______ la Tour Eiffel.
  12. 18. déjeuner French word for 'breakfast'
  13. 20. French word for 'happy'
  14. 21. French word for 'sun'
  1. 1. Verb that means "to look for"
  2. 2. French word for 'friend'
  3. 4. French word for 'socks'
  4. 6. French word for 'hat'
  5. 8. Verb that means 'to go'
  6. 10. French word for 'dog'
  7. 12. French word for 'saturday'
  8. 16. Verb that means 'to study'
  9. 19. French word for 'ear'