Friday diabetes crossword

  1. 4. heart may do this if blood sugar is low.
  2. 6. red ones of these live for three months.
  3. 8. keylock should be this.
  4. 10. in your emergency plan make these clear.
  5. 11. ICE person should know what you take.
  6. 15. be sure that the ICE in your phone has been told
  7. 16. keylock should not be in clear view, should be slightly this
  8. 18. do not put anything in this if the person is unconscious
  9. 22. vision may become this if sugars are high
  10. 23. keylock should be this to a pole close to entrance,
  11. 24. Handy spot to put your medical details.
  12. 25. important to have handy in the car for low sugar
  13. 28. symptom of low blood sugar
  14. 29. ICE person should have this about you.
  1. 1. use emergency pen when a person is this.
  2. 2. have this in a spot that ICE is aware of.
  3. 3. if you have one of these it can save you.
  4. 5. this must be called if a person is unresponsive.
  5. 7. have one of these ready to easily grab if you have a hypo
  6. 9. mood may become this if sugar is low.
  7. 10. ensure this information is correct if you cant talk
  8. 12. put this in your phone to help ambulance officers
  9. 13. common side effect of high blood sugars
  10. 14. hypoglycemia is this state.
  11. 17. very high blood sugars.
  12. 19. place a person on this if they are unconscious
  13. 20. wear one of these to inform others.
  14. 21. state in your emergency plan which one of these you want to be taken to.
  15. 26. a person who is unconscious is considered this.
  16. 27. type of injection diabetics should have in the fridge