
  1. 3. Caroline's star sign
  2. 5. Al & Jonny's surname
  3. 6. Village where Pauline & Peter live
  4. 8. One of the Hill children
  5. 12. Surname of Rebecca's Joe
  6. 13. Where Sophie K went to uni
  7. 15. School of music where Al & Jonny met
  1. 1. Name of the road Mandy & David live on
  2. 2. Rebecca's school
  3. 4. City where Alex K did his first marathon
  4. 7. Where Lucy A went to uni
  5. 9. Dad's old school friend who lives in America
  6. 10. Parish of John K's church
  7. 11. Former Barn End residents
  8. 14. Month of John K's birth
  9. 16. Month of Philippa & John's anniversary