Friends 11

  1. 2. What’s at the top of the villainous stairs
  2. 4. what state can you make if you drink too much
  3. 6. where you can find spilled hand sanitizer aplenty
  4. 10. what to give to Shane to make him unstoppable
  5. 11. best color of glue
  6. 12. best way to avoid Ryan
  7. 14. what we spelled with our hands on a bridge in florida
  1. 1. most popular god squad music platform
  2. 3. it may sing like a canary and house students
  3. 5. brand of gun I just bought
  4. 7. Jesse’s kink
  5. 8. the worst people
  6. 9. how Morgann takes it on golf carts
  7. 13. what statue did Jesse straddle last week of class