- 3. Where do Monica and Chandler become more than friends?
- 4. How many pages was Rachels letter to Ross?
- 7. Who was Ross on a break with?
- 8. Where did Carol first meet Susan?
- 14. What brand is Phoebes grandmothers homemade cookies?
- 17. Joey doesn't share...
- 18. What was Rachel wearing when she came into the cafe?
- 20. What is Ross sons name?
- 21. Chandler hates this holiday
- 23. Where do Ross and Rachel get married?
- 25. What is Rachel and Ross daughters name?
- 26. How many sisters does Joey have?
- 27. Who is Ross first ex wife?
- 28. How many times has Ross been married?
- 29. Who does Phoebe marry?
- 31. Who does the gang always stare at in Monica and Rachels apartment?
- 32. A state of total awareness
- 33. What is Monicas favorite thing to do?
- 34. Phoebe's twin sister
- 1. Who ate Rachel's Thanksgiving Triffle?
- 2. What does Chandler's dad's job?
- 3. What nickname did Monica's dad give her?
- 5. Which character has a twin?
- 6. How long did Emily and Ross date before they got engaged?
- 9. What was the name of Joey's stuffed penguin?
- 10. What state does Ross forget?
- 11. What was the name of Joey's barcalounger
- 12. Where does Chandler tell Janice he is moving to?
- 13. Who was Monica's first kiss?
- 15. Miss. Chanandler
- 16. What is Monicas apartment number?
- 19. What does Rachel think Chandlers job is?
- 22. Phoebes famous song
- 24. Ross says Rachel instead of
- 25. How many categories does Monica have for her towels?
- 30. Joeys favorite sandwich