- 2. "It has one of the most most recoils in thegame"
- 3. "The Pythagorean Theorem of a Circle"
- 4. "What is the grip thats not the vertical grip, oh yeah the horziontial grip"
- 7. "Do wamai's catch Melusi's?"
- 8. "He's in the thing under the thing"
- 9. "Indianans are Chinese"
- 10. "I know one, like the obese triangle"
- 12. "IN SCIENCE, a women is shorter then a women"
- 13. "door"
- 1. "How many people do we need for 10 mans"
- 5. "My mute just got droned"
- 6. "Turn off the flashlight so I can see better"
- 8. "Savii, your life is in 0 brightness"
- 11. "What do you call a bear with no ear" "Ear"