
  1. 2. "It has one of the most most recoils in thegame"
  2. 3. "The Pythagorean Theorem of a Circle"
  3. 4. "What is the grip thats not the vertical grip, oh yeah the horziontial grip"
  4. 7. "Do wamai's catch Melusi's?"
  5. 8. "He's in the thing under the thing"
  6. 9. "Indianans are Chinese"
  7. 10. "I know one, like the obese triangle"
  8. 12. "IN SCIENCE, a women is shorter then a women"
  9. 13. "door"
  1. 1. "How many people do we need for 10 mans"
  2. 5. "My mute just got droned"
  3. 6. "Turn off the flashlight so I can see better"
  4. 8. "Savii, your life is in 0 brightness"
  5. 11. "What do you call a bear with no ear" "Ear"