
  1. 4. a formal statement of meaning
  2. 6. something given as a specific task to be done
  3. 8. the first of its kind
  4. 9. the head of the school
  5. 10. having sharp or quick intelligence
  6. 12. a meeting where one person questions another
  7. 14. a place for learning
  8. 15. words that are specific to a content area
  9. 17. new word for pen
  10. 18. a written form of communication
  11. 19. person who takes pictures
  1. 1. ten times ten
  2. 2. a tool used to write with ink
  3. 3. having or exerting great force
  4. 5. words that are common to a group of people
  5. 7. printed publication that contains news
  6. 10. game that requires great strategy
  7. 11. a book that gives meanings of words
  8. 13. to cause disturbance or a conflict
  9. 16. someone that reports on an interesting story