frog anatomy
- 2. vessels that bring blood back into the hear
- 4. lower chamber of the heart
- 8. collets waste
- 10. first site of chemical digesten
- 12. Three lobes
- 13. moves digestive food out
- 14. stores urine
- 16. the thing that being food into the stomach
- 17. pumps blood
- 18. stores, produces, and eliminates blood cells
- 19. air opening to exchange gases
- 1. give the oxygen
- 2. lower chamber of the heart
- 3. stores fat for the winter
- 5. transparent cover that protects the eye
- 6. carries eggs in the female body
- 7. filters blood
- 9. vessels that carrier blood away from the heart
- 11. stores bile
- 15. the first part on the small intestine