From Ancient to Modern China

  1. 1. Would China be described as a place with a great or low amount of liveablility
  2. 4. What was the name of the second dynasty?
  3. 6. The ancient Chinese practice of foot ....... was practiced on women
  4. 8. Who did the Chinese people believe were in the centre of the world?
  5. 9. A place with a significant amount of liveability should have a sense of .........
  6. 11. What was the first name of the person who created the world's first seismograph
  7. 13. What invention did the Chinese accidentally discover when serching for a drug that gave eternal life?
  8. 15. What does a seismograph detect?(plural)
  9. 16. How many children were the Chinese allowed to have during the policy that was used to control the rapid population growth of China?
  10. 17. Who 'built' The Great Wall of China?(two words no space)
  11. 18. End this word that describes what all cities throughout the world should have: multi-
  12. 20. What was qin's last name?
  13. 23. What would soldiers in The Great Wall of China use to signal an attack?
  14. 25. What was the name of the emperor who unified China?
  15. 26. What was the name of the first known dynasty?
  16. 27. What factor starting with 'S' is essential to a liveable society?
  17. 28. What is China's capital city?
  18. 29. What country beginning with 'L' does China border with?
  19. 30. The Chinese saw themselves as where in the world?
  1. 1. Who first taught the idea of Daoism?
  2. 2. Whose teachings is Buddhism based on?
  3. 3. What was the name of the emperor that built The Forbidden City?
  4. 5. What country beginning with 'M' does China border with?
  5. 7. Dooes The Great Wall of China mostly cover Northern, Southern,Eastern or Western China?
  6. 10. Who were considered barbarians?(hyphonated)
  7. 12. Who chose 'the mandate of heaven?(plural)
  8. 14. Does China today have the highest, lowest or an average poulation compared to the rest of the world?
  9. 15. Who did the Chinese have ruling them until 1911?
  10. 19. What is the Chinese name for the book that teaches Buddhism?(hyphonated)
  11. 21. Were women treated superior or inferior to men?
  12. 22. What was the main goal of the people who believed in Buddhism?
  13. 24. What direction do The Terracotta Warriors face?