From Folktales to DigiTales

  1. 4. A tortoise and a scorpion became friends; they set out to travel and came to a river which they must cross. The scorpion was sad because he could not get over, but the tortoise said: “Sit on my back and I shall carry thee across”. So the scorpion got on his back. No sooner had the tortoise begun to swim than the scorpion stung him on the back. The tortoise asked: “Brother why art thou doing this?” The scorpion replied: “How can I help it I do not wish to it, but our nature is such that we must bite both friend and foe". The tortoise dived to the bottom, threw the scorpion into the water, and said: “Brother, I do not wish to thee harm, but my nature is such that if I do not bathe my body after it is stung it swells up and I die.”
  2. 6. Once upon a time there was a Girl named Ash. She lives with her in-laws and her stepmother. They were bad and always put the girl to work. One day he came from the prince's kingdom to announce that there would be a ball. With the help of the fairy, she also gets there, but she has to return by midnight, otherwise the spell will be broken. The prince fell in love with her. By the gray mistake, he forgot a shoe from the closet. they came from the emperor and said that the one whose shoe is good will be the prince's wife. He was kind to Cinderella and she lived happily with her
  3. 7. A beautiful, young girl whose mother sends her, with a basket of goods, to her ill grandmother the next village over. This journey requires that the young girl enter the woods. Upon entering the woods, the girl comes across a hungry wolf who has half a mind to eat her, right then and there, but refrains because of some wood-cutters nearby. Instead, he asks her where she is going, and she says that she is going to her grandmother's house. He asks if it is far and she responds that it is the first house in the next village over. The wolf tells her that he will go to her grandmother's house too. He tells her to take one path while he takes another and they will see who gets there first. The wolf, having made sure he arrives first by choosing the shorter path, races to the grandmother's house while Little Red Riding Hood takes her time, collecting nuts and chasing butterflies on her way. When he arrives, he disguises his voice to sound like the little girl and the grandmother allows him into her home. Upon entering, he eats her. He then dresses in her clothing and climbs into bed to wait for the little girl. When the girl arrives and calls to her grandmother, the wolf responds, telling the girl to enter. He tells her to set the cake and butter aside and climb into bed with him. The girl undresses, climbs into bed, and begins to comment on the wolf's arms, legs, ears, eyes, and finally teeth, to which the wolf replies, "all the better to eat you with," and gobbles up the girl.
  4. 9. Described in popular songs as a good-natured rascal, picks up the pre-Christian pagan tradition of the winter solstice celebration, which is closely associated with fire. Originally, the log used to feed the fire in the fireplace on Christmas Eve was called Olentzero.According to Basque mythology, the gentiles came down from the mountains announcing the arrival of Kixmi (the name that the gentiles gave to Christ). Uniting this mythological element with the tradition of the log and the fire, the figure of this character personified as a charcoal burner was born. This one has news of the birth of Christ while he is working on the mountain and goes down to the different towns to give the Good News. In the 20th century, the Olentzero took a characteristic of similar characters such as Santa Claus, Santa Claus or The Three Wise Men and began to bring gifts to boys and girls on Christmas Day.
  1. 1. Far in the depths of the sea lives magical nation. They are almost like people, except we have legs, they have a fish tail. One day, the daughter of the Sea King, the Little Mermaid, saved a human prince from drowning in the raging ocean and fell in love with him. Тo be closer to him, she made a deal with a witch. The Little Mermaid drunk a magic potion, so she could get rid of the tail and get human legs, but her wonderful voice passed to the witch. Voiceless, the Mermaid couldn't tell the prince who saved him, and she suffered deeply because of this. A little later the prince fell in love with another girl, and soon they got married. To return to her family again, the Little Mermaid needed to kill her beloved prince, but she didn't want to commit this cruelty and throwing herself into the ocean turned into sea foam forever.
  2. 2. One day, Nasreddin Hoca was invited to a dinner. Hoca didn't think much and attended with his daily clothes. He came in but nobody said "Hello." and "Welcome." to him. Everyone was dressed up in fancy clothes, not looking the way Nasreddin Hoca was standing. So he ran back to his home, wore his beautiful fur coat and went back to the dinner invitation. The people who didn't looked at him quickly went near him, gave him their greetings and even bowed down in front of him. They made Nasreddin Hoca to sit in the best chair of the dinner table, gave him the best meat of the best part of the lamb and waited for him to start eating. Nasreddin Hoca suddenly started swinging the arm of his coat to the direction of the food while saying "Eat, my coat. Eat! Eat, my coat. Eat!". Everyone looked at him in confusion and said, "What are you doing Hoca? How can a coat eat food?". Hearing that, Nasreddin Hoca said, "You didn't even greet me without my coat. It was the one being respected to, so it should be the one eating the food.".
  3. 3. Once upon a time, there are two siblings named Hansel and Gretel. They are very poor. Their stepmom suggests to their father that they abandon the kids in the woods. The kids overhear the conversation. Hansel collects white pebbles and drops them along the path the next morning. The parents leave them. The moon lights up the pebbles, and they get home. They decide to get rid of them again. Hansel tries to get more pebbles but the door is locked so he uses bread crumbs to mark the way. But birds eat all the crumbs. They follow a white bird which leads them to a house made of sugar. A woman invites them in. They don't know that she's an evil witch. The next morning, the witch closes Hansel into a little shed and makes Gretel her servant. She has Gretel light the oven. She tries to get the girl crawling inside, but Gretel says she doesn't know how to climb into it. The witch sticks her own head to show. Gretel shoves the witch into the oven and locks the door. They stock the jewelry from there and go home to hear that their stepmother has died. With the treasure the children have brought home, the family's worries are over.
  4. 5. A long time ago, an old lady baked gingerbread in the shape of a man. When she opened the oven to check on the gingerbread, the gingerbread man leapt out and ran away. She and his husband began to chase him. The gingerbread man, on his way, came across a chicken, a cat, a horse, and two well diggers who all tried to eat him but could not catch him. He came to a halt along the foot of the river as it was deep, and he would get soggy if he tried to cross it. The fox saw the gingerbread man and offered him his help. The gingerbread man agreed to his support and sat on the sly fox’s back. Halfway through the river, the clever fox complained of backache and requested the gingerbread man to sit on his nose. As soon as they reached the riverside, he tossed the gingerbread man in the air and ate him in one bite
  5. 8. At first, the men were very frightened and remained in their caves without daring to come out, but, little by little, they got used to it. Just like the genies and witches who also got used to it and soon came out of their caves and harassed the humans again. So the men went to the Earth again, but this time to ask her for something more powerful. The Earth responded by creating an even more luminous being that they would call the Sun. In this way, the Sun would be the day and the Moon the night.It was so big, luminous and hot that men had to get used to it little by little. Thanks to its warmth and light, plants grew... and even more important, the genies and witches could not get used to the great brightness of the day and from then on they could only go out at night.The men, once again, turned to Amalur (mother of earth) for protection during the night because the genies came out of their chasms and harassed them. And it was then that Amalur created for them a flower so beautiful that, upon seeing it, the beings of the night would believe it to be the Sun itself. This is 'Eguzkilore' or Flower of the Sun. And to this day, it defends homes from evil spirits, witches, genies of disease, storms, lightning and other enemies of man.