From the Psalms

  1. 2. Let everything that hath ____ praise the Lord.(150:6)
  2. 3. For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our ____ even unto death.(48:14)
  3. 5. I waited _____ for the Lord.(40:1)
  4. 7. ______ is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly.(1:1)
  5. 9. Who coverest thyself with ___ as with a garment.(104:2)
  6. 10. I will sing of mercy and ______.(101:1)
  7. 11. The steps of the good man are _____ by the Lord.(37:23)
  8. 12. Forever, O Lord, thy word is _____ in heaven.(119:89)
  9. 16. Be ____ and know that I am God.(46:10)
  10. 17. But thou,O Lord, art a ____ for me; my glory and the lifter up of mine head.(3:3)
  11. 18. Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring ____ unto thee.(69:29)
  12. 20. There is a ____, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.(46:4)
  1. 1. As for me, I shall behold thy ____ in righteousness.(17:15)
  2. 4. For mine _____ are gone over my head.(38:4)
  3. 6. He hath done _____ things.(98:1)
  4. 8. But thou art the ____, and thy years shall have no end.(102:27)
  5. 10. My soul shall be ____ in the Lord.(35:9)
  6. 13. How _____ is thy name in all the earth.(8:1)
  7. 14. Thy mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens, and thy ____ reacheth unto the clouds.
  8. 15. I am poor and _____; yet the Lord thinketh upon me.(40:17)
  9. 19. I am as a _____alone upon the house top.(102:7)