Frosh Sect 2
- 3. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John make up this category of books in the New Testament.
- 8. Universal _____ is the standard for determining what books are included in the Bible based on whether or not all the early Christian communities were using them.
- 11. Divine _____ is the assistance the Holy Spirit gave the authors of the books of the Bible so they could write in human words the message of salvation God wanted to communicate.
- 12. This sense of Scripture shows what it means to live a just and ethical life.
- 14. A Greek word meaning “five books”, referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
- 20. The handing on of the message of God’s saving plan through words and deeds.
- 22. The ____ Books of the Old Testament tell about Jewish history, recounting the lives of kings, judges, warriors, and prophets.
- 23. The Old Testament is made up of _____ books.
- 24. This sense of Scripture can be subdivided into three parts and considers the realities that the events of Scripture signify.
- 25. The collection of books of the Bible that the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
- 27. The Books of the _____ refer to the first five books of the Old Testament which contain accounts of Creation, sin, teachings, and rules for the Chosen People of Israel.
- 28. A Hebrew word meaning “Law”, referring to the first five books of the Old Testament.
- 1. The _____ Books of the Old Testament contain religious visionaries proclamations of hope and calls for people to repent of their sins.
- 2. These books of the Old Testament are characterized by poetry and practical advice on what it means to be wise.
- 4. A scholar specializing in critical explanation of biblical texts.
- 5. A literary form in which something is said to be like something else, in an attempt to convey a symbolic meaning.
- 6. The _____ sense of scripture is the meaning conveyed by the words of Scripture and gives the obvious meaning of the text, laying the framework for all other senses of Scripture.
- 7. The _____ Letters are the category of books in the New Testament consisting of letters written by St. Paul to various Christian communities.
- 9. This approach to Scripture interpretation takes into account various contexts for understanding such as history, literary forms, culture, and Sacred Tradition.
- 10. Another standard for accepting books into the Bible was whether or not early Christians used them in their _____.
- 13. The critical interpretation and explanation of Scripture is biblical _____.
- 15. The sense of Scripture that looks at how people, events, and things in the text point to the mystery of Christ.
- 16. Having a _____ message with the rest of Christian and Hebrew writings was the final standard for determining if a book would be included in the Bible.
- 17. Apostolic _____ is the criteria the early Church used to determine what books were accepted into the Bible, based on whether or not it could be traced back to the Apostle’s teaching.
- 18. The _____ sense of Scripture investigates realities and events in terms of their eternal significance and leads us toward heaven.
- 19. Discussed in the Book of Revelation, this refers to the second coming of Jesus Christ as the judge of all the living and the dead, at the end of time, when the Kingdom of God is fulfilled.
- 21. Biblical _____ is the doctrine that states that books of Sacred Scripture are free from error regarding the truth which God wishes to reveal for the sake of our salvation.
- 26. The twenty-seven books of the Bible written in apostolic times which contain accounts of the life, Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ as well as the beginnings of the Church is the _____ Testament.