Frozen Fire

  1. 3. / a yellow precious metal. For use in jewelry and decoration.
  2. 5. / past participle of freeze.
  3. 6. / a large windproof jacket with a hood, designed to be worn in cold weather.
  4. 9. / A group of relatives. A group of people related by birth, marriage or adoption
  5. 11. / very great in amount, scale, or intensity.
  6. 13. / North of the equator.
  7. 15. / atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals and falling in light white flakes or lying on the ground as a white layer.
  1. 1. / a dome-shaped Eskimo house, typically built from blocks of solid snow.
  2. 2. / Mined substance: A naturally occurring substance that is mined and extracted from the ground
  3. 4. Lazuli / a bright blue metamorphic rock consisting largely of lazurite, used for decoration and in jewelry.
  4. 7. / of or relating to the regions around the North Pole.
  5. 8. / a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose.
  6. 10. / a specialist in geology
  7. 12. The country where the book began. We live here.
  8. 14. / Member Of the northern people. (North Canada, Alaska, Greenland etc.)