- 2. A fruit commonly brought up besides apples. They have varying colors from green to red and have a sweet taste, but many turn out to dislike this fruit.
- 9. A fruit that grows on trees. It's peach in color and has a large seed on the inside.
- 12. A citrus fruit high in Vitamin C. They are relatively small and orange in color.
- 14. A large fruit with many black seeds on the inside. It has a fun name to say.
- 15. A very popular fruit that has medium size. Its outer shell can be red, yellow, green, and its tartness varies with color.
- 21. A small tropical fruit with a reddish purple outside. They are commonly mixed into ice cream and jelly.
- 22. A fruit with a large seed inside. It is soft, and has a round shape and bumpy surface.
- 25. This is a small berry commonly seen with green leaves. Its seeds are on the outside.
- 27. A small fruit that grows on vines. They can be purple, green, or red.
- 29. A black fruit that's small and grows on vines in Northern Europe and Asia.
- 30. A green citrus fruit that is very sour, used in many hispanic dishes.
- 33. A round red fruit with juicy red seeds on the inside.
- 34. A small red fruit that's tart on the inside and can usually be found at thanksgiving dinner.
- 36. A small, red fruit that comes in pairs of two.
- 38. You likely have only seen this berry in medicines. They're very bitter, and are small and black.
- 39. This unique fruit is very colorful on the outside and beautiful on the inside with many black seeds.
- 40. A large fruit commonly served with canteloupe. They are high in water content with no distinct taste.
- 1. These fruits come in pods, and are most known for being the root of a delicious sweet eaten all over the world.
- 2. These purple fruits have a large seed inside and are deliciously sweet.
- 3. A small blue berry with a little crown on top. When mashed, it's unrecognizeable.
- 4. This fruit is actually a berry. It's tropical and grows on trees in a long and curved shape.
- 5. A mediterranean fruit with a sweet and chewy texture, and red inside.
- 6. This fruit is one of the sweetest in the world. It's small and naturally red.
- 7. A large fruit that's similar to oranges. Rather, they have red insides.
- 8. A green fruit that looks like an apple. It's tropical and has red on the inside.
- 10. A fruit that grows on trees and has a protective peel.
- 11. A tart citrus fruit that grows on trees. It's not very big, and shaped like a (american)football.
- 13. A hard, brown fruit. It's tropical and can kill you if it drops on your head.
- 16. A fruit that is similar to plums. They are very colorful, with purple, orange, or a mix of the two colors on its outside. It has red pulp inside.
- 17. A large fruit with a high water content. It's usually orange on the inside, and doesn't have a distinct taste.
- 18. A green berry that are quite tart, so commonly used in sauces and desserts.
- 19. A stinky but delicious fruit that is spiky on the outside, but creamy on the inside.
- 20. A fruit with small hairs on the outside. It is sweet and green on the inside.
- 23. A large, spiky, yellowish-green fruit with a tall stem and a very tangy taste.
- 24. A large fruit with a bumpy outer shell. It's green in color with large yellow pulp insides.
- 25. A star shaped fruit. It is a tropical fruit with a sweet and sour combination.
- 26. These berries are a little crunchy, but soft on the outside. They're red, small, and bumpy.
- 28. These are small red berries that are most popularily eaten dried.
- 31. A small berry that's usually red in color. It's sweet and can be crunchy although soft on the outside.
- 32. A very large fruit with a tough outer shell. It has plentiful seeds that can be white or red in color.
- 35. A small berry that is usually black in color. It's got many bumps on the outside.
- 37. A tropical fruit with a yellow inside and sweet taste.