
  1. 3. The thin part of the inside of a citrus fruit that separates flesh segments.
  2. 6. A fruit with several small seeds.
  3. 8. Pleasant.
  4. 9. A fruit that has reached full size and color.
  5. 12. A refrigerated dessert with layers.
  6. 13. Agricultural products.
  7. 14. When a mature fruit reaches its peak of flavor, and is ready to eat.
  8. 16. A cut-up fruit dipped in batter and fried until golden brown.
  9. 17. The part of a plant that holds the seeds.
  1. 1. A chemical reaction in which oxygen in the air reacts with an enzyme in the fruit, and turns it brown.
  2. 2. To restore a dried fruit to a rehydrated condition.
  3. 4. A special protein.
  4. 5. A fruit that is still growing.
  5. 7. Flavorful, but not sweet.
  6. 10. A very firm mature fruit that lacks flavor, and has not reached top quality.
  7. 11. The return of chlorophyll to the skin of ripe oranges during warm weather or under bright light.
  8. 15. A fruit with a single, hard seed.