  1. 2. The furthest distination a Reese's cup has traveled is to the ________. Astronaut Alan Shepard took the candy there.
  2. 3. Reese's Pieces are available in North America, ____________, and the United Kingdom.
  3. 4. __________ beans were once so valuable, they were used as currency.
  4. 5. Who threw a peanut 111 feet and 10 inches to win the world record in 1999? _______ ________
  5. 8. The relatively new product became very popular in 1982 with the release of this movie, which featured the candy. ___ _______ _____________
  6. 12. Reese's makes enough peanut butter cups in one year to feed one cup to every person in how many countries? _______
  7. 14. May 18 is officially ___ _______ ________ Day.
  8. 16. Arachibutytrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck on the ______ of your mouth.
  9. 17. How many peanut farmers have been elected president of the United States? _____
  1. 1. Reese's were created in the early 1920s by a man named ________ __________ __________.
  2. 2. In 1875, this famous treat was introduced ________ ____________.
  3. 6. It took 4 days, 23 hours, 47 minutes, and 3 seconds for Tom Miller to push a __________ to the top of Pike's Peak with his nose.
  4. 7. Which came first, Reese's Pieces or the packaging for these candies? _____________
  5. 9. These bite-sized candies consist of peanut butter coated in a chocolate shell. _________ __________
  6. 10. 25,606 people are named __________ in the United States.
  7. 11. The official peanut butter lovers month is ____________.
  8. 13. The goal color distribution is 50% orange, 25% brown, and 25% ____________.
  9. 15. How much did a Reese's cup cost in the 1930s? ____ ______