  1. 4. Triptans are contraindicated in patients who have uncontrolled _____________
  2. 8. A decrease in serum albumin levels in an elderly patient can result in a need to _______ a medication dose.
  3. 10. Term for what the body does to the drug
  4. 11. The channel blocked by Class IA antiarrhythmics
  5. 16. A mnemonic that can be used to help identify medications used for PD
  6. 17. An anticonvulsant that carries a C-V designation
  7. 18. Gangrene is a serious adverse event (Brand name)
  8. 20. An ADE commonly associated with verapamil
  9. 21. Patients should not leave their inhaler in their ________
  10. 23. A NSAID that irreversibly inhibitors cyclooxygenase enzymes to inhibit platelet aggregation
  11. 25. An ADE associated with niacin use that can be prevented by pre-treating with aspirin
  12. 27. An antifungal that is first-line treatment for onychomycosis
  13. 28. An ADE that can occur when using nicotine gum (2 words)
  14. 30. The beta blocker that is only available for IV use
  15. 31. Route of vancomycin for a c. diff infection
  16. 34. A medication for PD that requires an antiemetic be given prior to administration
  17. 36. OTC product that contains caffeine and is used to treat tension headaches
  18. 43. Imiquimod is a medication used in the treatment of this skin disorder
  19. 45. An ADE associated with thiazide diuretic use
  20. 50. Labs associated with this organ must be monitored when receiving isotretinoin
  21. 51. A LAMA results in ____________ of bronchial smooth muscle
  22. 53. The BRM associated with hypertension and nephrotoxicity
  23. 55. An electrolyte-related ADE associated with ARBs
  24. 56. Route of administration of antihistamines that have the quickest onset of action
  25. 57. The best time of day for a patient to take montelukast
  26. 59. A factor xa inhibitor that can be used for patients on hemodialysis and does not need to be adjusted for renal function
  27. 60. This number of years or over is where many of the recommendations in the beers criteria are most important
  28. 61. A medication that class (abbreviated) used in place of an ACEI or ARB for heart failure
  29. 62. May decrease the effectiveness of oral contraceptives
  1. 1. A virus that may be reactivated in a patient receiving ofatumumab
  2. 2. A medication that is necessary to give with levodopa but cannot be given by itself
  3. 3. A cholesterol absorption inhibitor
  4. 5. A second generation antihistamine that is not affected by CYP interactions
  5. 6. A first-line therapy for scabies or lice that can worsen asthma
  6. 7. A serious adverse effect associated with triptan therapy
  7. 9. An example of a non-dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker
  8. 12. Elderly patients tend to have a/an _______ in total body water and lean muscle mass
  9. 13. The trade name for the medication involved with stopping glutamatergic effects in PD
  10. 14. Because thienopyridines must be activated, they are considered to be __________
  11. 15. The trade name of a med used to provide symptomatic relief of edema in patients with HF
  12. 19. A medication classified as a dopamine agonist
  13. 22. Medication that can be administered to neutralize heparin
  14. 24. type of headache pain that is accompanied with nausea and visual changes
  15. 26. The class (abbreviated) of medications used for dyslipidemias that impairs absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
  16. 29. Live bacteria that confer healthy benefits to patients
  17. 32. The area of the body where an ultra-high potency topical steroid should be avoided
  18. 33. Hydrochlorothiazide is a thiazide _________
  19. 35. Acetylcholinesterase medication available as a patc
  20. 37. Class of medication that works by competitively antagonizing the h1 receptor leading to capillary permeability
  21. 38. The REMS program associated with isotretinoin
  22. 39. A nutritional state that impacts drug-food interactions such as warfarin
  23. 40. Antibiotic only available iv, covers only gram negative bacteria, and has no cross-reactivity with beta-lactams
  24. 41. A common local side effect of many topical therapies
  25. 42. What class of antibiotics are commonly used for cap infections, have good coverage against atypicals and are associated with potential qt interval prolongation
  26. 44. What people should reapply every 2 hours when in the sun
  27. 46. Respiratory depression that can be severe is associated with use of this anticonvulsant
  28. 47. The number of seconds an epi-pen must be kept in the thigh
  29. 48. This phenomenon occurs when there is no nitrate-free interval
  30. 49. A common ADE associated with ACEI
  31. 52. A class of medications (abbreviated) that metabolizes serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine
  32. 54. A muscarinic antagonist should NOT be used for _________ attacks
  33. 58. How many microliters are in a drop of ophthalmic medication