  1. 1. A medication that improves gait in a patient with MS
  2. 3. The type of breath required when using a DPI
  3. 7. The trade name of the medication that acts on angiotensin II to increase BP
  4. 9. An oral medication indicated for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction prevention
  5. 10. Dosage forms include subcutaneous, nasal powder, nasal spray, oral short-acting tablets, and oral long-acting tablets (Generic name)
  6. 12. Despite its very short half-life, adenosine administration gives patients a feeling of “impending _____”
  7. 14. Prostaglandins and cholinergic agonists are both medications which _______ aqueous humor outflow
  8. 15. The heart rate __________ after use of a beta-2 agonist
  9. 17. Overuse of this combination prescription medicine that contains acetaminophen can cause headaches (Brand name)
  10. 18. The brand name for isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine
  11. 21. avoid in 3rd trimester of pregnancy due to premature closure of ductus arteriosus
  12. 22. Protein binding is a sub-type of which pharmacokinetic parameter: ADME?
  13. 23. A neprilysin inhibitor
  14. 26. Treatment given for suspected infection, but the responsible organism has not yet been identified
  15. 28. The medication class to which codeine belongs
  16. 31. Renal impairment can lead to a/an _______ in half life
  17. 33. The only medication available for PPMS
  18. 35. Medications used for the treatment of both tension and migraine headaches
  19. 38. The primary ADE associated with ADP antagonists
  20. 42. An antiarrhythmic used to treat bradycardia
  21. 43. Three letters that describe a heparin adverse reaction that is assessed by the 4t scoring system
  22. 44. Route of vancomycin for a mrsa infection
  23. 45. One of the 4 mechanisms of topical steroid therapy
  24. 48. Complementary alternative medicine associated with hepatic toxicity (2 words)
  25. 49. The antiarrhythmic with significant anticholinergic effects
  26. 50. A word used to describe a photoallergic type of photosensitivity reaction
  27. 52. Omega-3-fatty acids can lead to problems with _____________ aggregation
  28. 53. Polyvalent ___________ decrease efficacy by binding to medications
  29. 55. Oral MS medication that may cause PML as a serious ADE (2 words)
  30. 57. An anti-amyloid monoclonal antibody for Alzheimer’s disease
  31. 58. A class of medication that is considered a sulfonamide derivative and is therefore contraindication in patients with a sulfa allergy
  1. 2. A statin that can be taken at any time of the day
  2. 4. A medication that increases SVR by acting ONLY on alpha receptors
  3. 5. A vasopressor that may be preferred for use in patients with an arrhythmia
  4. 6. The neurotransmitter that is deficient in patients with PD
  5. 8. A topical retinoid that must be avoided in pregnancy
  6. 11. The channel blocked by Class III antiarrhythmics
  7. 13. A class of meds for cholesterol that increases catabolism of TG
  8. 16. Amiodarone dosing utilizes a _________ dose strategy
  9. 19. An inotropic agent with beta action only that increases HR and cardiac contractility
  10. 20. Term for a runny nose
  11. 24. An anticonvulsant best to use in a patient receiving multiple interacting medications
  12. 25. A medication for MS that must be monitored for at least 6 hours in patients with history of heart issues
  13. 27. An analogue of carbamazepine without the ADE and auto-induction
  14. 29. An anticonvulsant that has a narrow therapeutic index
  15. 30. The maximum number of weeks an ultra-high potency topical steroid should be used
  16. 32. Bupropion causes ADE that are stimulating or ___________ in nature
  17. 34. The preferred inhaled medication for use in pregnancy
  18. 36. A CAM product with scientific evidence for use in Alzheimer’s disease
  19. 37. A medication for migraines that is a controlled substance
  20. 39. The most potent topical steroid formulation
  21. 40. An indication for beta-2 agonists
  22. 41. The degree of cognitive impairment for which aducanumab is indicated
  23. 46. The BRM for psoriasis that is easiest to use if planning a pregnancy
  24. 47. Potent neurotoxin and vasoconstrictor found in fungus Claviceps purpurea that grows on rye
  25. 51. Guaifenesin is best described as a _____________
  26. 54. A class of medications reserved for patients who have severe psoriasis
  27. 56. An oral antihistamine, considered “non-sedating” even when administering higher than recommended dosage