Fun with Fritz and Mercer

  1. 3. What animal can carry twenty times their body weight?
  2. 5. What country has the most pyramids in the world?
  3. 6. What person can not be an organ donor?
  4. 10. What is a blob of toothpaste called? (a ....)
  5. 12. What is the fear of phobias?
  6. 14. What airline used potatoes to test their in-flight wifi
  7. 15. What is the most rectangular-shaped country?
  8. 16. What is the largest manufacturer of Tires?
  9. 17. What is a group of Flamingos called?
  10. 19. What planet spins sideways?
  1. 1. Which beloved childhood character was banned from a Polish playground because the honey-obsessed bear doesn't wear pant?
  2. 2. What is a flock of ravens called?
  3. 4. What country is wider than the moon?
  4. 7. Who is the coolest person in the world?
  5. 8. What is the fear of closely packed holes?
  6. 9. What animal can predict earthquakes?
  7. 11. What is the number 1 searched thing on Google
  8. 13. What is equivalent to 126 gallons of wine? (a...)
  9. 14. Which DC character has died nearly two dozen times?
  10. 18. What body part never stops growing?