Fun with Organ Systems

  1. 3. we have 3 types (smooth, skeletal & cardiac)
  2. 5. this system give you nutrients and energy
  3. 13. involved in making babies
  4. 14. this system has the WHITE blood cells
  5. 15. where you find cardiac muscle
  6. 17. the fluid of the circulatory system
  7. 18. major organ are kidneys, gets rid of waste
  8. 19. the largest organ
  1. 1. the major organ are the LUNGS
  2. 2. the system that help with your immunity
  3. 4. the system that includes the brain
  4. 6. the type of muscle found in the digestive system
  5. 7. moves blood around your body
  6. 8. this system includes your bones
  7. 9. the system that brings in Oxygen gets rid of CO2
  8. 10. we have 11 of them
  9. 11. the system that moves your skeleton
  10. 12. the system that has the largest organ
  11. 16. the system that releases adrenaline and testosterone