Functional Styles

  1. 4. This style is used in group of friends and acquaintances in a social setting:  ellipsis and slang are common; interruptions, interjections too
  2. 7. This style is a vocabulary subsystem of interrelated language means used to serve a definite function in the communication process
  3. 9. Basic literary style according to Galperin: documents, laws, orders,
  4. 10. This style is used in mass media, TV
  1. 1. Basic literary style: essays, public speeches, memoirs
  2. 2. Technical word or phrase that has become fashionable, typically as a slogan: ‘to be or not to be’
  3. 3. This is Non-public style, intonation more important than wording or grammar; private vocabulary. Also includes non-verbal messages. This is most common among family members and close friends
  4. 5. Basic literary style according to Galperin: brochures, articles, monographs, various scientific publications
  5. 6. A mild or indirect polite words or expression instead of harsh or blunt words when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing
  6. 8. This is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting, relevant for sociolinguistics