Fundamentals of Art Vocabulary Review

  1. 2. a form, image or sign representing a meaning other than its outward appearance
  2. 3. a pose or movement by humans that is a form of communication or expression
  3. 5. media method of creating art using a variety of different materials
  4. 6. three-dimensional art that can be freestanding or in relief
  5. 9. gradation a gradual change of value from dark to light, including a wide range of mid-range values
  6. 10. to tell a story, in art may be implied through the use of imagery
  7. 11. to change, simplify or exaggerate images
  8. 14. a three-dimensional area
  9. 17. line or lines that define the outline and edges of an object or figure
  10. 18. transparent/ translucent water-based paint
  11. 20. the arrangement of art elements, usually based on the principles of design
  12. 28. balanced, evenly placed, the same on both sides
  13. 30. watching something attentively
  14. 32. two dimensional area with a defined border, may be geometric, organic or free-form
  15. 33. an aesthetic theory that believes successful art is one that creates a sense of reality
  16. 34. a sense of wholeness in an artwork, a pleasing relationship between art elements
  17. 35. act of laying on paints with a brush or other tool; creating meaningful effects on a surface by the use of pigments; a picture
  18. 38. placing one object in front of another to create depth
  19. 40. the length, area or depth shown in an artwork; the open areas in between, around or inside shapes or forms
  20. 44. three-dimensional art form created by combining a variety of objects
  21. 46. Art Element that has three properties, hue, intensity and value
  22. 48. the arrangement of art elements to focus on one object, idea or area in a composition
  23. 49. the area in a represented shape that receives the greatest amount of direct light
  24. 52. the process of examining by breaking up the parts of a whole
  25. 54. to represent or depict realistically
  1. 1. motion implied by the repetition or arrangement of art elements
  2. 4. combining art elements so that the same elements are used over and over to achieve balance and harmony
  3. 7. an opaque, water based paint
  4. 8. a drawing material made out of charred wood
  5. 10. art that has no identifiable subject matter besides the use of art elements or design principles
  6. 12. a process of developing a wide range of ideas, without censoring any idea before it is considered
  7. 13. combining art elements to stress differences between those elements
  8. 15. multiple images created by a process that reproduces images many times
  9. 16. a series of small quick sketches sued to develop ideas for an artwork
  10. 19. standards by which a product can be judged
  11. 21. an aesthetic theory that argues that successful art is based upon the pleasing arrangement of the art elements based upon the design principles
  12. 22. a method of creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface
  13. 23. a continuous mark that has value, weight and direction
  14. 24. a composition created by gluing together a variety of materials such as paper, cloth, photographs or other materials
  15. 25. theme vents or experiences that have meaning in a wide number of situations to many people
  16. 26. to show an understanding; to clarify or explain
  17. 27. changing art elements to create subtle differences
  18. 29. an aesthetic theory that successful art is one which evokes a feeling, mood or emotion
  19. 31. pertaining to the nature of beauty
  20. 32. to change or simplify a particular style
  21. 33. the process of combining mental images from past experiences into new images
  22. 36. a style of art that realistically shows scenes of everyday life
  23. 37. making an image by placing marks on a surface
  24. 39. the relationship between sizes of objects in a composition
  25. 41. the ability to find new solutions to a problem, or new modes of expression
  26. 42. lines drawn parallel to one another to create value
  27. 43. a gradual change; it may be in color/ value, texture, size or spacing
  28. 45. an impression or feeling
  29. 47. arrangement of the art elements within a composition, may be symmetrical, asymmetrical/ informal or radial
  30. 50. the quality of a surface, how it feels or looks like it feels
  31. 51. lightness or darkness of a color or tone
  32. 52. criticism the formal process for analyzing and passing judgment on a work of art; consisting of description, analysis, interpretation and judgment
  33. 53. a quick drawing
  34. 55. repetition of art elements