Fundamentals of Information Technology

  1. 2. It is the most widely-installed Local network technology.
  2. 4. It was a wooden box that could only add and subtract by means of series of gears and wheels.
  3. 5. It is a combination of software and hardware and used to provide services to the client-computers.
  4. 6. It was a tremendous breakthrough in advancing the computer.
  5. 9. It was a mechanical computer that can solve any mathematical problems.
  6. 15. It is short for "Global positioning system"
  7. 16. It is used for space exploration and weather based system.
  8. 19. It is a data processing cycle component where output maybe stored on a disk for future use.
  9. 20. The one using the computer or any device connected to a network.
  10. 22. It is short for "Liquid crystal display".
  11. 23. It is also called "display".
  12. 24. It is the main circuit board of your computer and also known as the main board or logic board.
  13. 25. It is short for "Universal serial bus".
  14. 26. It is form of computer data storage.It allows data items to be read and written roughly the same amount of time regardless of the order in which data item are accessed.
  15. 29. It is the process of arranging data in a specific order.
  16. 30. The example of this computer are cellphones,tablets, and laptops.
  17. 31. It is responsible for sending network traffic to its correct direction.
  18. 33. It is like the brains of the computer.
  19. 34. It is a device that scans documents such as photographs and pages of text.
  1. 1. It is a capability of a computer to perform the specified task repeatedly.
  2. 3. It is an input device commonly used to control video games.
  3. 7. It is short for "Read only memory".
  4. 8. It is a mobile phone with more advance computing capability and connectivity that basic features.
  5. 10. He was the invertor of 'vacuum tubes and light bulb".
  6. 11. It is a collection of computer and peripherals connected to each other through different modes.
  7. 12. It is a wireless mobile technology used for device communication over short ranges.
  8. 13. It is an electronic device. It can input, manipulate data, store, and provides output.
  9. 14. It is an input device that prints paper documents.
  10. 17. It is a type of computer. It is used by small business.
  11. 18. It is short for "Modulator Demodulator".
  12. 21. A device that convert sound waves into an electronic current, usually fed into an amplifier,a recorder, or a broadcast transmitter.
  13. 27. It is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for sorting digital information.
  14. 28. It is short for "Network interface card".
  15. 30. It is a hand-operated device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen.
  16. 32. It was the first machine used for counting and calculating.