Funkhouser Class expectations

  1. 4. When eating meals in the ________ I should always sit with my class
  2. 7. I should also be ____ to my classmates
  3. 9. My teachers name
  4. 11. 1 2 3 eyes on me 1 2 eyes on
  5. 12. when I enter the room, I should hang up my _____ first
  6. 13. how many pencils should you have in your pencil box?
  7. 14. I should ______ my name after I write it on my paper
  1. 1. the call back that I use and you say "shhhh" back
  2. 2. When I enter this room, I should be ready to ________
  3. 3. fifth graders should be the ______ of the school
  4. 5. When I enter the room I should enter ____ and quietly
  5. 6. the grade I am in
  6. 8. Our school mascot
  7. 9. we have gone to PE and Library, our special today is
  8. 10. In this room we are safe, responsible and _____