
  1. 2. A scientist who carries around an umbrella, just in case
  2. 6. A bee who always keeps secrets
  3. 8. The musician's favorite weather
  4. 10. A rabbit's favorite music
  5. 14. A fish with a bowtie
  6. 16. A bear who loves cleaning
  7. 19. A vampire's favorite fruit
  8. 20. The best place to grow flowers
  1. 1. A reptile who always tells the truth
  2. 3. The act of stealing someone's coffee
  3. 4. An astronaut's favorite part of the computer
  4. 5. What you call a bear with no teeth
  5. 7. A dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary
  6. 9. What do you call fake spaghetti?
  7. 11. Where cows go on vacation
  8. 12. The tallest building in town
  9. 13. The horse's favorite place to hang out
  10. 15. A dog who knows how to use the internet
  11. 17. The friendliest vegetable
  12. 18. The opposite of progress