G4 2023 S1C1 Midterm Exam Vocabulary Review - MyView U3.1-U3.5

  1. 3. stated firmly like if you tell your grandma you’re not hungry, but she makes you food anyway
  2. 7. take leave of or desert (forget about or leave behind)
  3. 9. intense, raging, or violent like how you would feel if someone broke your phone or iPad
  4. 11. a person’s state of mind or feelings of anger
  5. 12. got involved in the matters of others
  6. 15. in a very bad way (synonym to another vocabulary word)
  7. 16. a loss or setback of some kind like losing a game
  8. 17. believed or thought (When you were pretty sure you already knew something, so it isn’t surprising)
  9. 21. being together with another person or other people
  10. 23. sparkle or shine with a flickering light
  11. 24. Direct or give an order like saying "Make me a sandwich!"
  12. 26. interested in knowing or seeing (how you feel when you want to know more about something)
  13. 27. a difficult situation or contest like a 4th grade basketball team going against a 6th grade team
  14. 28. a custom or belief passed down among a group of people like a tree and presents on Christmas
  15. 29. give someone hope to keep on trying
  1. 1. joy-filled or winning (the feeling you have when you have achieved a goal)
  2. 2. express a feeling of unhappiness about something
  3. 4. in an awful or very bad way synonym to another vocabulary word)
  4. 5. tell the difference between two (or more) things
  5. 6. giving or presenting like helping someone do something or giving someone things, you don’t need anymore
  6. 8. to become visible or able to be seen like a rabbit popping out of a hat
  7. 10. thought of something that occurred in the past
  8. 13. a substance used for treating an illness
  9. 14. the ability to wait without getting upset
  10. 18. huge or very large
  11. 19. bothered or moved the position of (disgusted or scared)
  12. 20. formal religious or public events like weddings, graduations, funerals
  13. 22. not moving like a train sitting still on the tracks
  14. 25. succeed at something or reach a goal