G7 SUMMIT, June 2021, England

  1. 2. the noun derived from "to exclude"
  2. 6. from Italy
  3. 7. synonym for "to meet"
  4. 10. from India
  5. 13. European is derived from ...
  6. 15. from Russia
  7. 16. a person who represents ...
  8. 17. the opposite of high
  9. 18. the noun derived from "to invite"
  10. 19. from Japan
  11. 21. from te USA
  1. 1. a visit abroad or a ... visit
  2. 3. from China
  3. 4. the adjective derived from South
  4. 5. Cornish is derived from
  5. 8. from France
  6. 9. from Korea
  7. 11. from Germany
  8. 12. from the UK
  9. 14. from Canada
  10. 20. from Australia