- 1. Good at Physics
- 4. Tall
- 6. Sits in a corner of the classroom
- 8. Likes to sing
- 9. Sits in the other corner
- 14. Crazy
- 15. Name is a type of jewelry
- 18. Good at art
- 19. Malaysian
- 20. Saber
- 21. Person who made this
- 23. Tallest girl
- 24. Czech
- 25. Likes to dance
- 2. Name is a fruit
- 3. Short hair+glasses
- 4. Drives cars
- 5. TUHAO
- 7. Short
- 10. Legs are short
- 11. Korean
- 12. NVSHEN
- 13. Likes Conan
- 16. Newist kid
- 17. Stupid
- 18. Very white
- 20. A new girl
- 22. German