
  1. 3. Who attacked the mighty elephant leg?
  2. 4. Gajendra was caught inside the ........ of the crocodile.
  3. 8. From which planet was king Huhu From?
  4. 9. the vehicle(vahan) of Lord Visnu.
  5. 13. Which sage cursed king Indradyumna?
  6. 14. For how many years the both animal fought?
  7. 16. In the previous life ,what was the name of the crocodile as a king?
  8. 17. What is the name of that region where the king ruled the South Indian region .
  1. 1. Deep in the mountain forest lived ........, the king of the elephants.
  2. 2. In the previous life ,what was the name of the elephant as a king?
  3. 5. When Indradyumna retired from his kingdom and family life, he went to the ........ Hills,
  4. 6. The serpent of eternal time endlessly chases everyone,” said Gajendra, “but if one who fears this serpent seeks the shelter of the SUPREME lORD, the Lord gives him protection.
  5. 7. In the valleys surrounding this mountain were many lakes and streams, whose water was clear as crystal and whose banks and beaches were covered not with sand but with trillions of tiny jewels.Name the mountain.
  6. 10. In one valley of Trikuta Mountain was a garden.Name the garden.
  7. 11. with great difficulty due to his painful condition, Gajendra took a ........ flower in his trunk, raised it high, and prayed, “O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You.”
  8. 12. the Supreme Lord as four-armed form appeared at the mountain lake.
  9. 15. In previuos life king Huhu pulled the leg of which sage?