Garden Allotment

  1. 3. /A spray made with this can prevent pest damage.
  2. 5. /Powered by wind.
  3. 6. /Red root.
  4. 7. /Warmth and moisture will help this.
  5. 10. /Earth mover.
  6. 12. /Hostas horror.
  7. 15. /Prevents water evaporation and suppresses weeds.
  8. 16. /Reason why we garden.
  1. 1. /Promotes green foliage.
  2. 2. /Tomatoes can be found in these.
  3. 4. /An enemy of organic.
  4. 7. /Oats, peas, beans and barley do this.
  5. 8. /Sometimes found on a watering can.
  6. 9. /Usually not the color in it's name.
  7. 11. /Good timing prevents damage from this.
  8. 13. /Runner, bush, sweet peas are just a few of these.
  9. 14. /Not a suit.