- 3. what's the English for "badile"?
- 4. how do you say in English "cesoie"?
- 7. What's the English for "seme"?
- 8. what's the English for "tagliaerba"?
- 10. How do you say in English "zappa"?
- 11. What's the English for "scala"?
- 12. What's the English for "ratrello"?
- 13. how do you translate "scopa" in English?
- 14. What's the English for "soffiatore"?
- 1. What's the English for annaffiatoio?
- 2. What's the English for "cestino"?
- 5. What's the English for "vanga"?
- 6. How do you say in English "tagliasiepe"?
- 9. how do you say in English "carriola"?