GARP SCR - Chapter 4 - Tushar Johri

  1. 4. Green taxonomies play a central role in efforts to tackle greenwashing in financial markets (True/Nope)
  2. 7. Apart from Climate change and GHG emissions, Habitat degradation and the resulting loss of ____________ capital are also material to a range of sectors and geographies, and they have the potential to create systemic challenges to global economic and financial systems
  3. 9. Suppose the temperature today were to be 3.3 degrees above pre-indsutrial levels. Approximtaely how much has it exceeded the limit decided in the Paris agreement? (closest number in words)
  4. 10. __________ schemes are cross-sectoral schemes that can cause volatile carbon pricing, or an exogenous shock such as a financial crisis can lead to an oversupply of permits, decreasing the incentives to reduce emissions
  5. 12. __________ is the mechanism through which many 2020 NDCs were much more ambitious, with many countries committing to a (domestic) goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, which does align with a 2°C warming limit globally
  6. 13. Instead of relying on _______ obligations that are difficult to enforce,the Paris Agreement makes use of the powerful tools of inclusion and peer pressure.
  7. 15. _____ is a type of carbon policy that limits the quantity but also ends up imposing a price as well
  8. 17. A carbon countercyclical ____ buffer is a _______ requirement that would require banks to build up a higher equity capital base during periods of carbon-intensive credit. (Same word would fill in both the blanks)
  9. 20. Global average temperatures were not meaningfully rising in the 1940s, 1950s, or 1960s. Temperature _____ trend observed in the 1950s and 1960s due to chemical pollution due to release of aerosols
  10. 21. ______ tests are another micro-and macroprudential tool at the disposal of central banks
  11. 22. COP #____ (number in words) was the first COP (Conferences of Parties) meeting to establish the aspirational goal that global warming be kept to below 2°C and invited countries of all kinds, high-income and low-income, to submit domestic mitigation strategies to the UNFCCC
  12. 23. The original formulation of William Nordhaus’s _______ model from the early 1990s suggested that warming of 3.5°C would be optimal in terms of not unduly hampering economic growth while still mitigating the worst climate impacts
  1. 1. In the UK and _______ , TCFD-aligned reporting has been made mandatory, and other counties are likely to follow suit
  2. 2. ____ Johri is creator of this crossword (please fill in answer as TUSHAR) - this is a dummy clue which I have added to avoid unauthorised copying of this crossword.
  3. 3. You are a leader of a small developing country and are a signatory in the Kyoto Protocol.As per the protocol, by 2008-2012, your country should be reducing the emissions by ____ % as compared to 1990s level.
  4. 5. The____________ standard by GHG Protocol used to understand the full life cycle emissions of a product and focus efforts on the greatest GHG emissions reduction opportunities
  5. 6. Construction, ______ and food and beverages are the 3 sectors most dependent on nature.
  6. 8. The XYZ is a factory owns a facility that produces 200 tonnes of solid waste, which was collected by the local council to go to landfill. XYZ should record the emissions associated with its landfill under SCOPE#____ (options: ONE/TWO/THR)?
  7. 10. The EU Taxonomy Regulation sets out detailed technical screening criteria for economic activities that contribute substantially to climate change mitigation and adaptation, known as Performance _________. (plural form of the word in the blank)
  8. 11. _____ (acronym) issued the world’s first “Climate awareness bond” dedicated to climate-related issues, which helped launch the global market in green bonds
  9. 12. _____ is an umbrella term for a range of quota-based regulations that aim to increase the supply of renewable electricity by requiring commercial power producers to source a specific portion of supply from renewable energy sources
  10. 13. Scope 3 are by far the ______ part of overall emissions pie, and thus the most vulnerable to potential climate transition risk
  11. 14. From 2021,Bank of England had launched a dedicated climate risk stress test known as _____ (acronynm).It followed on from a first successful stress test incorporating climate considerations, namely the BoE’s insurance stress test in 2019
  12. 16. A factory owner in Europe opts for a specific green loan over an usual business loan for raising capital. He says that he has taken the guidance from EU Taxonomy. As per the owner, The EU taxonomy provides guidance on the classification of its economic activity and how it should be sustainably funded. Is this guidance taken by the factory owner from EU Taxonomy correct? (True/Nope)
  13. 18. In 2017,North America accounts for 29% of global emissions,Europe accounts for a full third (33%) and Asia accounts for ______ % (in words)
  14. 19. The first global agreement on climate change was the formation of the _____