GARP SCR - Chapter 8 - Tushar Johri

  1. 2. _______ refers to one of the challenges faced by Carbon-offsetting projects where a reduction in emissions in one area leads to an increase in emissions elsewhere
  2. 5. The evaluation by Climate Action tracker includes considerations of whether countries are planning to support offset projects or engage in _______ trading to achieve their net zero goals.
  3. 7. ____- based accounting has become the internationally dominant standard for attributing emissions at the country level (Choose one for your answer: PRODX = "production"/CONSX = "consumption")
  4. 10. _______ type of carbon offsetting projects are crucial in ensuring that carbon offset projects actually contribute to real emissions reductions beyond business-as-usual scenarios.
  5. 11. ______ plans can be an important tool to add credibility to net-zero pledges.
  6. 14. Along with UK, in which other country, the national net-zero targets have been embedded in la
  7. 15. Tushar___ is the author of this crossword (Please enter "Johri" as the answer)
  8. 16. As per of it net zero target, Germany intends to step up the production of this gas
  9. 17. ______ framework Identifies the subset of ESG issues most relevant to financial performance in each of 77 industries and create disclosure standards around them. This framework helps in cross comparison across industries
  1. 1. To stabilize global temperatures at 6 degree, it is necessary to reach a ______ between global sources and sinks of green-house gases
  2. 3. Companies use _____ carbon pricing to encourage efficiency and incentivize emissions reduction measures.
  3. 4. Country A has only one company X. Assume company X is solely responsible for all the emissions in country A. Company X outsources its 50% production to country B. Company X's production in country A results in 100 units of emissions. While production for company X in country B results in 100 units. Country reports 200 units of emissions. It is using ______ - based country level accounting (Choose one for your answer: PRODX = "production"/CONSX = "consumption")
  4. 6. Under BASIC+ reporting, _____ energy accounts for methane that leaks while being transported.
  5. 8. Suppose a journey starts from point A in city X, passes via point B in city X and terminates at point C outside X. Emissions due to this journey is reported under ___ for BASIC accounting at city level(Choose one of these options for your answer: "ONE" for Scope 1 ,"TWO" for Scope2, "THR" for Scope3)
  6. 9. This is the only category that is included under SCOPE-3 for BASIC accounting at
  7. 12. a ___ (like the one created by EU) can help categorize investments in terms of their contributions to high emissions or decarbonizing activities.
  8. 13. SBTi's ______ Rating approach assigns a temperature score to investments and loans based on the alignment of a company's emissions reduction targets with global temperature goals.