Gas Exchange

  1. 6. Found in insects and some arthropods, air enters through openings called ___ and moves to cells directly through tracheae
  2. 8. The volume of the thoracic cavity is decreased by the upward movement of the diaphragm
  3. 9. How many small aquatic animals perform gas exchange
  4. 13. Branches into two bronchi, which connects to the lungs
  5. 15. In bony fishes, a ___ exchange system increases the efficiency of gills
  6. 16. Where gas exchange takes place at the end of each bronchiole
  7. 17. How carbon dioxide is transported in body
  8. 18. ___ flow is air being breathed in and out
  9. 20. The bronchi branch into small ___
  10. 21. These organisms have the most efficient respiratory systems
  1. 1. Closes the larynx when food is swallowed
  2. 2. A respiratory organ that many aquatic organisms use to extract dissolved oxygen from water and to excrete carbon dioxide
  3. 3. Conducts air to the larynx
  4. 4. The exchange of gases between and organism and its environment
  5. 5. Breathing is an involuntary process regulated by respiratory centers in the ___ (two words)
  6. 7. Inversely proportional to volume
  7. 10. The volume of the thoracic cavity is increased by the downward movement of the diaphragm
  8. 11. The circulatory system carries ___ from alveoli to body cells
  9. 12. Sensitive to changes in pH and stimulate respiratory centers
  10. 14. ___ cavities filter and adjust temperature and humidity in air
  11. 19. Where air enters in mammals