  1. 2. the amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space
  2. 4. the seventh element on the Periodic Table
  3. 6. P=kHc
  4. 7. Pi/Ti = Pf/Tf
  5. 12. law of volumes
  6. 13. Father of modern chemistry
  7. 15. condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen
  8. 16. An airlike fluid substance which expands freely to fill any space available
  9. 17. standard atmosphere pressure unit
  10. 18. the tenth element of the Periodic Table
  11. 19. the gas law that is the equation of state of a hypothetical ideal gas
  12. 20. the second element of the Periodic Table
  1. 1. force upon a surface by an object
  2. 3. loses consciousnesses while scuba diving
  3. 5. a unit of measurement
  4. 8. the law that is not exactly followed by real gases
  5. 9. the intensity of heat present in a substance
  6. 10. the unit of measurement for pressure
  7. 11. the SI unit of force
  8. 14. the eighth element on the Periodic Table