GCSE Business Studies - Showing Enterprise

  1. 1. a diagram that is used to record words and ideas connected to a central word or idea (7)
  2. 8. a person who owns and runs their own business and takes risks (12)
  3. 11. an advantage a business has that enables it to perform better than its rivals in the market and which is both distinctive and defensible (11,9)
  4. 13. the chance of damage or loss occurring as a result of making a decision (4)
  5. 14. non-physical, intangible products like a taxi journey or ahircut (8)
  1. 2. the intentional creation of new ideas through recognised and accepted techniques (10,10)
  2. 3. the symbol, sign or other features of a product or business that can be protected in law (10)
  3. 4. the probability of a negative event occurring (10,4)
  4. 5. the discovery of new processes and potential new products, typically after a period of research (9)
  5. 6. the process of transforming inventions into products that can be sold to customers (10)
  6. 7. another word for businesses ((11)
  7. 9. right of ownership of an invention or process when it is registered with the government (6)
  8. 10. a willingness by an individual or a business to take risks, show initiative and undertake new ventures (10)
  9. 11. legal ownership of material such as books, music and films which prevents these bring copied by others (9)
  10. 12. physical, tangible products like a car (5)