GCSE Statistics Data Definitions

  1. 2. A study of the whole population
  2. 4. A type of sampling where sample is representative of the population
  3. 6. A testable statement about the population
  4. 8. Numerical data that is measurable
  5. 9. A type of sampling where everyone has an equal chance of being chosen
  6. 11. Can be positive, negative or symmetrical and shows where the median is in comparison to the lower and upper quartile
  7. 15. Data that is presented numerically
  8. 16. These contain both open and closed questions and are used to gain information about the sample
  9. 18. Data that your investigation collects itself
  10. 19. Every possible person or ‘thing’ that can be included
  11. 20. Two sets of data that is paired
  12. 21. A type of sampling where you have a specific number of each group you must get to take part
  1. 1. the capture/_________ method is used to estimate the population size from a sample
  2. 3. A type of sampling similar to stratified where you sample all or some of one selected group
  3. 5. Data that has already been collected previously
  4. 7. Data that is presented non-numerically
  5. 10. Data that has been put in rank order
  6. 12. These are more expensive than questionnaires but allow for more explanation around each question
  7. 13. Data that can has split into groups
  8. 14. Numerical data that is countable
  9. 17. A select few from the population