Gems from DC 97-101

  1. 3. Gospel teachers are given these in the very moment they teach from the heart (100:5-6)
  2. 4. The Lord will not come into___temples (97:17)
  3. 6. Zion is the pure in___ (97:21)
  4. 8. Our trials prove if we will abide in the_____(98:14)
  5. 9. The Lord established the___ (101:80)
  6. 10. We should obey the___of the land (98:4-6)
  7. 13. When the___rule, people mourn (98:9)
  8. 14. We can have___to declare God's word given by the Holy Spirit (99:2)
  9. 16. Constitutional laws are for the ___ of all flesh(101:77)
  10. 17. Saints were to go to judges, governor and U.S___for help (101:86-89)
  11. 19. We are to seek the face of the Lord___ (101:38)
  12. 22. The Lord wants us to become a ____ people (100:16)
  13. 23. The Lord and the law make us____ (98:8)
  14. 26. The Lord is filled with____towards us (101:9)
  1. 1. We are to____all who trespass against us (98:40)
  2. 2. We are not to go to___unless commanded by the Lord (98:33)
  3. 5. We should vote for____men (98:10)
  4. 7. People who die in the millennium will be changed in the___of an eye (101:31)
  5. 11. In the millennium there shall be no___(101:27-29)
  6. 12. We are not to seek___when we are smitten (98:23)
  7. 13. The Constitution was written by___men (101:80)
  8. 15. The Lord will___our battles (98:37)
  9. 18. Renounce___and proclaim peace (98:16)
  10. 20. We will be chastened and tried even as___ (101:4)
  11. 21. In the temple the pure in heart can___God (97:15-16)
  12. 24. ___shall be redeemed (100:13)
  13. 25. It isn't right for a man to be in___one to another (101:79)
  14. 27. Be___and know that I am God (101:16)