Gen Chem 3rd Quarter alternative task

  1. 2. is a measure of how readily a substance undergoes a chemical reaction.
  2. 5. it is a heterogeneous mixture that contains solid particles sufficiently large for sedimentation
  3. 7. an effect is light scattering by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension
  4. 9. the element K in the periodic table
  5. 11. is a mixture in which the components of the mixture are not uniform
  6. 14. it is a measure of the "hotness" or "coldness" of a substance.
  7. 18. in science it means when the properties of the substance is unchanging
  8. 21. change of state from gas to solid
  9. 23. it is a substance whose atoms all have the same number of protons
  10. 24. chemistry that deals with inorganic compounds
  11. 29. change of state from gas to liquid
  12. 32. the meaning of Fe in the periodic table
  13. 34. 3rd element in the periodic table
  14. 37. is a chemical substance composed of many identical molecules
  15. 41. the technique of heating a liquid to create vapor which is collected when cooled separate from the original liquid
  16. 42. is the degree to which a chemical substance or a particular mixture of substances can damage an organism
  17. 43. the most abundant element in the universe
  18. 44. it is a special type of homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances
  19. 46. the 13th element in the periodic table
  20. 47. the meaning of Ag in the periodic table
  21. 49. state of matter where atoms are not to far from each other
  22. 50. the chemistry that study the behavior of matter
  1. 1. a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture
  2. 3. is the process by which an atom or a molecule acquires a negative or positive
  3. 4. Substance substances that are made of only one type of atom
  4. 6. it is the relationship between the mass of the substance and how much space it takes up
  5. 8. a mixture that has a small diameter yet are still uniformly distributed in a solution
  6. 10. it is a measure of how easily a substance burst into flames
  7. 12. change of state from solid to liquid
  8. 13. change of state from solid to gas
  9. 15. property that does depend on the size of matter
  10. 16. it is a measure of the amount of matter in an object
  11. 17. a chemical operation that separates solid matter and fluid from a mixture with a filter medium
  12. 19. it is the quantity of space occupied by a liquid, solid, or gas.
  13. 20. makes your voice change when inhaled and it is a noble gas
  14. 22. the chemistry of carbon compounds
  15. 25. we humans inhale this gas
  16. 26. the meaning of Na in the periodic table
  17. 27. state of matter where atoms are far apart
  18. 28. branch of science that explores living organism
  19. 30. change of state from liquid to gas
  20. 31. it is a material made up of two or more different substances which are physically combined
  21. 33. is the ratio between the activity of your sample of interest
  22. 35. 5th element in the periodic table
  23. 36. chemistry that studies the structure of matter
  24. 38. a property that does not depend on the size of matter
  25. 39. it is a mixture in which the molecules that make up the mixture are uniformly distributed
  26. 40. change of state from liquid to solid
  27. 45. it’s the meaning of Au in the periodic table
  28. 48. state of matter that atoms are close together