GenBio Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Also known as the windpipe, it is a tube-like structure in the respiratory system that connects the larynx to the bronchi, allowing air to pass to and from the lungs.
  2. 4. A dome-shaped muscle located beneath the lungs in mammals, which contracts and relaxes to aid in breathing by expanding and compressing the thoracic cavity.
  3. 7. Openings in the exoskeleton of insects and some other arthropods that allow air to enter their respiratory system, leading to gas exchange.
  4. 8. Organs in the respiratory system responsible for gas exchange in terrestrial animals, where oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is expelled.
  5. 9. Small pores found on the surface of plant leaves and stems that regulate gas exchange, allowing carbon dioxide to enter and oxygen to exit during photosynthesis.
  6. 10. The main airways in the respiratory system that branch off from the trachea and lead to the lungs, facilitating the passage of air for gas exchange.
  7. 11. The outermost layer of plant leaves and stems, where stomata are located, allowing for gas exchange and serving as a protective barrier.
  8. 12. Respiratory organs found in aquatic animals such as fish, which extract oxygen from water and release carbon dioxide.
  1. 2. A protein found in red blood cells that binds to oxygen in the lungs and transports it to tissues throughout the body, facilitating gas exchange in animals.
  2. 3. The process by which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, allowing gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass through cell membranes.
  3. 5. Tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs, with oxygen entering the bloodstream and carbon dioxide being removed.
  4. 6. Tiny blood vessels that form a network throughout the body, where gas exchange occurs between the bloodstream and tissues.