Gene Technology

  1. 7. most ambitus project in scientific history
  2. 8. study of ethical issues related to gene technology
  3. 10. bonds to human gene for insulin
  4. 12. completed DNA fingerprint
  5. 14. the study of all an organism's proteins
  6. 16. number of tandem repeats at a specific place
  7. 18. exact copy of DNA
  8. 19. made by using one or more genes from a pathogen
  9. 22. combines biological science, computer science, and information technology
  10. 23. There are about ___ single nucleotide ploymorphisms
  1. 1. a key tool in proteomics
  2. 2. reasearchers can clone DNA fragments by inserting them into ___
  3. 3. two-dimensional arrangement of DNA molecules
  4. 4. organisms complete set of protiens
  5. 5. artificially made pieces of single-stranded DNA
  6. 6. seperates nucleic acids or proteins
  7. 9. meaning "to kill"
  8. 10. plasmids
  9. 11. a strand of RNA
  10. 13. identical sheep
  11. 14. an organism's complete set of proteins
  12. 15. regions of DNA that do not code for proteins
  13. 17. polymerase chain reaction
  14. 20. only about __ percent of the human genome codes for proteins
  15. 21. Step where bacteria produces human insulin