Gene technology

  1. 2. process of making messenger RNA from DNA
  2. 5. embryonic (stem) cells that can differentiation into any cell type
  3. 10. a single-stranded sequence of DNA or RNA used to search for its complementary sequence in a sample
  4. 11. a technique to amplify DNA in vitro
  5. 12. reads the same forwards as it does backwards
  6. 14. small circular rings of double stranded DNA
  7. 15. a trinucleotide sequence that is located at one end of a tRNA molecule=, which is complementary to a corresponding codon in mRNA
  8. 18. technique used to analyse DNA, RNA and proteins based on their mass
  9. 20. RNA that contains the introns and exons of a gene
  10. 25. largely increased methylation of DNA
  11. 26. enzyme that binds RNA nucleotides together to create the sugar-phosphate backbone of mRNA
  12. 27. sequence of 3 bases on mRNA that codes for a specific amino acid
  13. 28. the ability of a stem cell to divide into an exact copy of themselves (iPS cells can do this)
  1. 1. when 2 molecules combine due to their similar specific shape
  2. 3. enzyme that cuts the DNA strands so that the desired gene can be isolated or inserted into a vector (spliced)
  3. 4. the ability that a cell has to become different types of cells
  4. 6. protein that controls the transcription of genes by binding to a specific region of DNA. Receptor an organ or specialised cell that can detect the change causing the specific stimulus
  5. 7. catalyses condensation reactions between the new nucleotides to create a polynucleotide during DNA replication
  6. 8. heritable changes to DNA without changing the base sequence
  7. 9. strand of DNA that is transcribed to for the mRNA molecule
  8. 13. type of bond that forms between complementary nucleotides – Adenine and Thymine form 2 of these bonds, while Cytosine and Guanine form 3 of these bonds
  9. 16. cells that are able to divide and produce any type of body cell
  10. 17. more than one triplet has the ability to form an amino acid
  11. 19. a section of DNA before the coding region that is the binding site for proteins that control the expression of the gene
  12. 21. a gene that is transferred with the desired gene to enable scientists to identify cells that have been successfully altered
  13. 22. drugs that fight bacteria by killing them or stopping their growth
  14. 23. bases present instead of thymine in RNA
  15. 24. short sequences of single-stranded DNA that have base sequences complementary to 3’ end of DNA or RNA being copied
  16. 25. process used to insert recombinant plasmids into host cells