
  1. 2. Dwarf planet.
  2. 3. Top soccer league of Spain.
  3. 4. What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?
  4. 7. Salt Lake City basketball team.
  5. 9. Slang for linking to "Never Gonna Give You Up".
  6. 11. Mac, Windows, ChromeOS, and _____.
  7. 12. Game played with a 5 by 5 board, with letters on each square.
  8. 13. A hound with a high temperature.
  9. 17. ________ Table of the Elements.
  10. 19. Synonym for slime.
  11. 20. Digmake.
  12. 22. ______vascular.
  13. 24. Short for "JavaScript".
  14. 25. Slimy substance in your nose.
  15. 26. Media company.
  16. 27. Machi ____.
  1. 1. Country in South America.
  2. 5. Turkeys go on ______.
  3. 6. Process used by plants to create sugar.
  4. 8. ____ Bryson.
  5. 10. Everything is made of it.
  6. 14. A favorite YouTube channel.
  7. 15. Referred to as "football" by other countries.
  8. 16. "All you need is ____. ____ is all you need."
  9. 17. Harry ______
  10. 18. _______ cube.
  11. 20. A blood-sucking insect.
  12. 21. Japanese video game company.
  13. 22. World ____ Association (WCA).
  14. 23. Round map.