General Anatomy & Physiology

  1. 4. The simplest form of nervous activity that includes a sensory and motor nerve is called a
  2. 7. The ___________ system makes blood and oxygen available to body structures through breathing and the elimination of carbon dioxide
  3. 9. The part of the muscle that does not move and is attached closest to the skeleton is the
  4. 10. _________ tissue contracts and moves various parts of the body
  5. 12. The dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell is the
  6. 13. The system of nerves that that carries impulses , or messages to and from the central nervous system is called the __________ nervous system
  7. 15. The connection between 2 or more bones of the skeleton is called a
  8. 17. The ____________ system distributes blood throughout the body
  9. 19. Which nerve affects the muscles of the mouth
  10. 23. The largest artery in the human body is the
  11. 24. The _______ is the larger of 2 bones that form the leg below the knee
  1. 1. Mitosis is the usual process of cell reproduction of human tissue that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called _________ cells
  2. 2. The endocrine glands also known as ___________ glands, release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream
  3. 3. The _____________ are the muscles that straighten the wrist, hand and fingers to form a straight line
  4. 5. Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals are known as
  5. 6. The muscle that covers the back of the neck and the upper and middle region of the back is the
  6. 8. ____________ tissue lines the heart, digestive and respiratory organs, and the glands
  7. 11. The basic unit of all living things, from bacteria to plants to animals, including human beings, are
  8. 14. The complex system that serves as a protective covering and helps regulate the body's temperature is the ____________ system
  9. 16. The oval bony case that protects the brain is the
  10. 18. The broad muscle that covers the top of the skull and consists of of the occipitalis and frontalis is the
  11. 20. The ________ is the watery fluid that surrounds the nucleus of the cell and is needed for growth, reproduction, and self repair
  12. 21. The ____________ cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of the face
  13. 22. The study of the functions and activities performed by the body's structures is called ___________