General knowledge

  1. 1. Procedure that corrects testicular torsion
  2. 4. Medical term for a bunion
  3. 5. Used to obtain specimens during bronchoscopy
  4. 7. aorta, Arises from the left ventricle of the heart
  5. 8. Spiral shaped bacteria
  6. 12. Type of uterine fibroid
  7. 13. Microbes that live without oxygen
  8. 14. Absence of pathogens
  9. 16. Striated and voluntary muscle type
  10. 17. Space between vocal chords
  11. 18. Type of fenestrated drape
  12. 19. Another name for tonsil suction
  1. 2. Fossa baker's cyst location
  2. 3. Type of procedure involves removal of teeth
  3. 6. Properly performed surgical scrub renders skin
  4. 8. Primary function of gallbladder
  5. 9. Essential element of hemoglobin
  6. 10. The most common diuretic
  7. 11. Another name for adrenalin
  8. 13. Endoscope used to visualize heart and major vessels
  9. 15. Medication used to dilate the pupil
  10. 17. Largest muscle of the upper calf