Womens Cell 2023 Crossword Puzzle
- 3. Modulator Demodulator is called as
- 6. National tree
- 8. Indian best female cricket scorer
- 9. Four letter bird which could not fly
- 11. Leaning tower of Italy
- 13. 15th Female President of India
- 16. Name the largest Internet company
- 17. Country banned TIK TOK permanently in mobile
- 19. Season where rainbow occurs more
- 1. No of continents in world
- 2. American President
- 4. FIFA world cup 2022 winner
- 5. Delhi situated which bank of river
- 6. Collection of flower called as
- 7. City of lake in India
- 10. First women to get noble prize
- 12. Gidda is a folk dance of which state
- 14. Smallest state of India
- 15. Name the plant which grows in the desert
- 18. which Director appreciates EPFO work in foundation day