General Patient Care #2

  1. 4. Laying flat on abdomen
  2. 5. Stretching or tearing of a muscle
  3. 6. If a wound is red, swollen and draining pus, it is a sign of _______
  4. 8. Refers to the right eye
  5. 9. Medical term for medication breathed in by the patient
  6. 11. Position used for low blood pressure or shock
  7. 14. Do this by 2.2 to convert kilograms to pounds
  8. 16. Apply this temperature to injury to increase blood supply
  9. 17. Refers to both eyes
  10. 19. Position with back leaning on exam table at 45 degree angle
  11. 20. Medical term for medication given between the cheek and gum
  12. 22. How many times does the medical assistant check the medication during administration
  13. 24. Used to examine ears
  14. 26. Stretching or tearing of a ligament
  1. 1. Apply this temperature to injury to decrease swelling
  2. 2. Muscle in arm used for intramuscular (IM) injections
  3. 3. Do this by 2.2 to convert pounds to kilograms
  4. 5. Medical term for medication given under the tongue
  5. 7. Used to examine a patient's eyes
  6. 8. Refers to the left eye
  7. 10. Medical term for medication applied to the skin
  8. 12. Position most used for female pelvic examinations
  9. 13. Medical term for medication to be absorbed through membranes
  10. 15. Instrument used to assess hearing acuity
  11. 18. Medical term for medication applied on skin in patch for continuous slow absorption
  12. 21. Medical term for medication given in the mouth
  13. 23. Position with back of exam table raised to a 90 degree angle
  14. 25. Laying flat on back